Arboretum All-Star Plant Database

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red Argentine amaryllis

red Argentine amaryllis

Latin Name
Rhodophiala bifida

Showy, easy-to-grow bulb; dark red, trumpet-shaped flowers bloom in late summer; heat and drought tolerant; attracts hummingbirds.

golden currant

golden currant

Latin Name
Ribes aureum

California native plant; flowers have a light, spicy fragrance; good choice for planting under native oaks; attracts butterflies and beneficial insects.

chaparral currant

chaparral currant

Latin Name
Ribes malvaceum

California native plant; pale-pink winter flowers attract hummingbirds; drought tolerant with scented leaves.

evergreen currant

evergreen currant

Latin Name
Ribes viburnifolium

California native plant; good shade-tolerant groundcover under native oaks and in other dry, shady areas; shiny and fragrant foliage looks attractive all year; attracts hummingbirds and beneficial insects.

butterfly rose

butterfly rose

Latin Name
Rosa x odorata ‘Mutabilis’

Has showy, single flowers nearly year round; flowers attract pollinating bees and other beneficial insects; new burgundy stems complement multi-colored flowers