Learning by Leading Students

Learning by Leading

Student Opportunities

Nursery Management Internship (Unpaid/ Eligible for Internship Credit)
This internship will be completely outdoors (regardless of weather) and will involve hands-on plant related activities at the Teaching Nursery. It's an amazing opportunity to work closely with peers and mentors in a fostering environment! Fill out the interest form to be notified of future opportunities.

Learning by Leading™

We believe that students learn best by leading.

Leadership skills and real-world experience combine to help our students address the earth’s most important environmental issues. The Learning by Leading™ internship program offers quarter-long and school year-long internships in which students gain leadership experience addressing a variety of environmental sustainability, restoration and literacy issues by working in teams to solve real-world problems in the UC Davis Arboretum and Public Garden. Internships correspond with the UC Davis academic schedule and are offered fall, winter and spring quarters. Summer internships are offered on an individual basis, in coordination with staff mentors.

Students in this program can graduate with . . .

  • Central Valley gardening, drought-tolerant landscaping, habitat restoration and California native plant cultivation experience.
  • Knowledge of horticultural best practices, plant propagation, landscaping, education, and community outreach experience.
  • Highly transferable leadership, team-building, and 21st century professional skills.
  • Strong mentor relationships with staff experts and earn recommendations to support future endeavors.
  • Knowledge organizing events that engage volunteers, visitors and other community members.
  • A new network of students engaged in improving our campus outdoor spaces and positively impacting our planet’s environment.

Internship Overviews