Life After Lawn Advice: Plant for Year-round Color
Eva Bayon
The Bayon’s front yard displays Eva’s passion for and education in botany. An avid plant collector, Eva and her husband have created a miniature rock garden in their relatively small yard with the artistic placement of boulders and rock mulch, all anchored and softened by a variety of perennials that range in size, color and growing habits.
“It has been less than a year since we planted our front yard,” shares Eva. “What thrills me the most is how we always see something in bloom. Our yard used to be a lawn, now it is a draw for bees, butterflies and hummingbirds!”
In the Bayon yard less common plant choices can be seen growing next to those more familiar to area gardeners. For example, Verbena tenuisecta, moss verbena, a flat-growing spreading plant with attractive dark purple flowers covers the stone mulch by statice (Limonium perezii), a tough plant loved by butterflies and handy for making long-lasting floral arrangements.
Lamb’s ears (Stachys byzantina) form a silky, silvery clump below which spreading Sedum, Delosperma, rosettes of Echeveria and dwarf Aloe form a festoon on the lower slope. Upslope the rounded forms of lavenders and sages provide evergreen structure. Both orange and yellow forms of Cape balsam (Bulbine frutescens) provide a long season of bloom given their yard’s hot southern exposure.