Thank you!
We are grateful to everyone who gave to our "Nursery the Nursery" campaign from April 14–May 4, 2022 during UC Davis Give Day, the Sacramento region's Big Day of Giving or at other times this spring. Gifts from more than 200 contributors provided more than $93,000 in funding, surpassing our goal!
Spring campaign donations in support of the Arboretum Teaching Nursery will fund accessibility upgrades, visitor orientation features, education enhancements, and teams of student Learning by Leading™ Nursery Management interns this year.
Your donation catalyzes our work to engage, empower and educate the people of our community to create more resilient landscapes and a healthier environment for all. Learn more about the project below.
Thank you to all donors whose gifts supported the Nurture the Nursery campaign:
Challenge Donors
Anonymous (4)
Nancy and Chuck Foster
Tré Frane
Kathleen Socolofsky and Bob Gregoire
Mary and Rand Herbert
Herrmann-Howell Living Trust
Susan and Jeffrey Hoffman
Robert and Cathryn Kerr
Ernest and Mary Ann Lewis
Chris Craig-Veit and Lance Veit
Did you make a gift but don't see your name on this list? You requested that your name be hidden from view when you gave during UC Davis Give Day or Big Day of Giving. If you'd like your name to show, please let us know!
- Anonymous (55)
- Jessica Rose Agramonte
- Monica Aleman
- Jacqueline Ames
- Cynthia H Anders
- Julia Aue
- Cynthia Bates
- James Blackmarr
- Anne Bonilla
- Christine M Bruhn and John Bruhn
- Celia Buckley
- Davis Campbell
- Dennis Campos
- Manny & Debbie Carbahal
- Camille Chan
- Darleen Coppersmith
- Candace Cross-Drew
- Colette Curran
- Stacie Danielson
- Dorothy Deems
- Wendi Delmendo
- Ann Denvir
- Dana Drennan
- Catherine Farman
- Yeganeh Farzin
- Elizabeth Feil
- Carmia Feldman
- Ann Filmer
- Joan Fischer
- Evan Fletcher
- Judith Fletcher
- Margaret Fong
- Susan Ford
- Glen Fox
- Rolf Frankenbach
- Stacie and Lucas Frerichs
- Karla Fung
- Sabina Funk
- Aurelia Gaffney
- Vera Garrard
- Kari Gaudette
- Tara Gee
- Vern Goehring
- Gail Goldsmith Charitable Fund
- Karol Gottfredson
- Katherine Gottfredson
- Cliff Gravem
- Robin Affrime and Jim Gray
- W. David Haggerty, Jr.
- Ann Halsted
- Ellen Hamilton
- Susan Handy
- Kathy Harper
- Connal Hart
- Rachel Hartsough
- Hay Family Fund
- Eva Hess
- Nancy Hiestand
- Michael and Sally Hirst
- Carolyn Van Hoecke
- Tanya Hoffman
- Rachel Howard-Till
- Caroline Husting
- Teh-Ning Hwang
- Ingtzong Hwang
- Sean Jacobs
- Lily Jamm
- Jennifer Jensen
- Nancy Kahn
- Kira Kaji
- Nancy Kapellas
- Hossain Kazemi
- Shaun Keister
- Nancy Kellner
- Cathryn and Robert Kerr
- Roger Kohne
- Jessica LaBorde
- Bill and Laura Lacy
- Sandra Lane
- Nancy Latta
- Janette Levenson
- Julia Levine
- Beth Levy
- Huey Lin
- John & Leslie Lindbo
- Garth Lindley
- Roxanne Loe
- Kerry Daane Loux
- Nancy Lower
- Diane Luke
- Karen Majewski
- Kyoko Malhado
- David Martin
- Alex and Phyllis McCalla
- Erin McElroy
- Cate McGuire
- Jeffrey Meith
- Miles Merwin
- Dawn Miller
- Brandon Milton
- Jeremy Minshull
- Kathy Miura
- Vicki and Paul Moering
- Susan Moore
- Shirley Ng-Benitez
- Raymond Nguyen
- Robert Nickerson
- Susan Nishio
- Kimberly Ohlson
- Kathy Olson
- Sally Ozonoff
- Stacey Parker
- Curt Peters
- Kat Powelson
- Lei Putney
- Sharon Radke
- Lia Ray
- Jean Riehl
- Jasmine Ripoyla
- D. B. Robinson
- Kathleen Rose
- Grace Rosenquist
- Erix Ross
- Sara Russell
- Tracy Ryan-Johnson
- Susan & Chuck Salocks
- Robert Segar
- Jacquelin Siegel
- Amy Shuman
- Robert Snider
- Kait Sousa
- Juliana Spector
- Lon Springer
- Tom and Meg Stallard
- Ann Steiner
- Kathleen Stock
- Christopher and Mary Stokes
- Lucinda Strandberg
- Patricia Stromberg
- Renee Swank
- Karen Swift
- Susan Taylor
- Jean Telford
- Nancy Temple
- Patricia Todesco
- Dana Topousis
- Suzanne Ullensvang
- Virginia Vaughn
- Ann Marie Velasco
- Julie Volkmer
- Paul Weir
- Martha West
- Shannah Whithaus
- Valerie Williamson
- Susan Worsham
- Jeanette Wrysinski
- Judith J Wydick
- JoAnn Yee
- Kent Bradford & Barbara Zadra
- David Zezulak
More about the Arboretum Teaching Nursery
The Arboretum Teaching Nursery is well known as a dynamic visitor destination and hub for community engagement at the west end of the Arboretum.
Since the Teaching Nursery opened in 2008, member and public plant sales have flourished. Casual gardeners and plant enthusiasts from throughout the region seek out the expertise of Arboretum and Public Garden staff and volunteers as they shop the huge inventory of high-quality, Arboretum-grown plants to support climate-ready home gardening. Over 7,500 visitors attend seasonal in-person plant sale events annually.
For our Learning by Leading™ student environmental interns, the nursery is a hub of experiential learning. It also functions as a growing ground for climate-ready plants to make campus landscapes more sustainable. Community partners seek out the collaboration of our professional nursery staff. Plus, the nursery is a beloved center for building community volunteer connections – teams of volunteers propagate most of the plants available for sale.
Now, with the opening of the Elizabeth Mary Wolf Environmental Learning Center inside the Arboretum Teaching Nursery, crowds will grow dramatically as we expand our suite of public engagement programs for members, families and the public. Infrastructure enhancements within the nursery and support for our student teams are needed to welcome these expanding crowds and make the space more enjoyable, accessible and educational for all.