Mary Kay Williams front lawn.

Garden Spotlight: Mary Kay Williams


Lush green plants in Mary Kay Williams' garden.

A lot can fit into a sideyard. Here are grapes, a pomegranate, peach, nectarine, fig, and tomatoes in Earthboxes. I choose small varieties and summer prune to keep everything small.


Mary Kay Williams backyard garden showing a paved and shaded patio area with a grill and chairs surrounded by lush green plants and bright red flowers.

I love succulents and many other Arboretum plants purchased at plant sales. I can't help myself!

Tall green stalks of bright leaves and delicate pink flowers, with two stalks of sunflowers behind them in Mary Kay Williams' garden.

Cement sewer rounds hold most of my veggies. And there is a glass greenhouse to baby my starts. Galahad tomato did best this year.

Mary Kay Williams' backyard showing a partially shaded patio area with shelving to store gardening supplies, and a small wooden shed next to a small wood and glass greenhouse in the background.

I enjoy propagating plants after working on a team with Stacey Parker at the Arboretum and Public Garden. Succulents and figs grow from cuttings and it's fun to try different veggie varieties from seed.

Mary Kay Williams front lawn covered in a sheets with cut outs for tree plantings to grow.

We took out the grass in the front and added a string of dwarf citrus trees.

Mary Kay Williams' front lawn trees and shrubs.

Here’s the citrus row five years later!