UC Davis Annual Sustainability Report released
Check out our campus’s progress toward meeting some of higher education’s most aggressive sustainability goals.
There’s a good reason UC Davis is considered one of Sierra Club’s “Cool Schools” — we’ve recognized a 47% landscape irrigation water savings since 2013, we’ve got 17 LEED certified buildings on campus, we’ve saved $15.5 million from energy efficiency upgrades, and offer more than 180 courses per year with emphasis on sustainability.
These are just a few of the ways that UC Davis is leading sustainability standards that advance best practices in higher education and beyond. Join us in celebrating our achievements and building a more sustainable UC Davis!
For UC Davis Arboretum and Public Garden features, look no further than the cover featuring Monica Bruce, one of our Learning by Leading edible landscape interns, see page 8 for information on our landscape irrigation water savings, and page 13 to read how we’re re-imagining the campus landscape.