Texas Madrone | Arbutus xalapensis

Scientific Name

Arbutus xalapensis

Common Name

Texas Madrone

Photo of a Texas Madrone tree.
Tree Description

Arbutus xalapensis, Texas madrone, is a small multi-stemmed evergreen tree. It has ornamental flowers and fruit and striking exfoliating bark. This tree prefers full sun to part-shade and has a low to medium water requirement.

Tree Size
Height at Maturity
Width at Maturity
Growth Rate
12-36 inches/year
Foliage Type
Sun Exposure
Water Needs
Medium Water
Potential Issues

None found.

Average performance rating from pre-trial survey of experts
Field Trial Monitoring Results
Fair potential utility as an urban tree based on evaluation of 6 trees, healthy crown, 100% survival, slow growth rate. Signs of chlorosis found on a majority of individuals. Nursery plants were susceptible to aphid infestation and many died from root disease.
Propagation Results

Preliminary research and consultation led us to worry about seedlings damping off or lack of mycorrhizal partners in our soil. However, we experienced near 100% germination with fresh seed put into 45 day cold stratification in moist peat in plastic bag in refrigerator. (The least successful germination we had was with older seed used.) They were then sown in the heated greenhouse, and we were careful not to overwater. Some seedlings suffered through transplant, or were lost to damping off. They suffer leaf tip burn slightly under our poor water quality as well as from aphids in summer. Seedlings are moderately fast growers.