Notes from the Nursery
Taylor Lewis' picks for fall 2022 plant sales
Taylor Lewis, nursery manager, recommends a few plants he doesn't want you to miss when shopping at our upcoming plant sales (Oct. 22 and Nov. 5). In addition to his brief descriptions, we included more information about these selections from our plant inventory photo gallery. (Read this article down first, then to the right.)

Mountain Pride chaparral nightshade
Solanum xanti
Find on Bed A15: 4 in. for $10.00
I think this is a fantastic show of color and toughness by another one of our great California native plants. The dark, velvety purple flowers adorn this sun-loving shrub for months. Mountain pride was used in the water trials and received rave reviews.
Info from our plant gallery
Bright purple flowers cover this loose, sprawling shrub, late winter to early summer. Attracts birds, bees, and butterflies. Sub-shrub, semi-deciduous,to 2.5 feet tall and 3 feet wide. Water deeply once every two weeks. All plant parts are toxic. Great for banks. Deer resistant. USDA zones 7-10.

Compacta white sage
Salvia apiana 'Compacta'
Find on Bed B14: 1 gallon for $12.00
This is a great dwarf cultivar of the California white sage and it will fly off the shelves again.
Info from our plant gallery
Arching sprays of pale lavender-tinged white flowers appear in whorls along pink-tinged stems in spring. Beautiful, narrow white-green leaves are stacked closely together on velvety white stems, and are very strongly-scented. Shrub, evergreen, up to 3 feet tall. Water deeply every 2 to 4 weeks. Well-drained soil. Many traditional uses by California Native-Americans. An excellent source of honey. USDA zones 7-10.

Palmer's mallow
Abutilon palmeri
Find on Bed A16: 1 gallon for $14.00
This might be one of my favorite California native plants that we grow. Super drought tolerant mallow from the desert with soft fuzzy leaves and bright golden flowers.
Info from our plant gallery
Golden apricot, cup-shaped flowers bloom among felted green foliage almost all year. Thrives in incredibly hot sites, such as those with reflected heat. Stress-deciduous shrub up to 5 feet tall, and as wide. Water deeply once every two to three weeks, or as needed. Tolerates a range of soils, as long as they are well-drained. USDA zones 9-10.

Gilt Edge toad lily
Tricyrtis formosana 'Gilt Edge'
Find on Bed C1: 1 gallon for $11.00
The flowers are captivating on this easy-to-grow, low-water, herbaceous, shade-loving perennial!
Info from our plant gallery
Orchid-like, deep pink spotted in dark purple flowers bloom on arching stems over the lush, gold-edged leaves in fall. Perennial, deciduous, 18 inches tall and slowly spreading. Water deeply every 2 weeks or weekly. USDA zones 4-9.

Heteromeles arbutifolia
Find on Bed C16: 1 gal. for $14.00
This is one of my favorite ways to "native up” your garden. This Valley native needs almost no water once established. As the toyon slowly reaches maturity, at around 12 to 16 feet, It becomes a corner stone of habitat in your garden. In summer, the white clusters of flowers are a great source of nectar for many types of bees and then, in fall and winter, the birds go wild for the berries.
Info from our plant gallery
Clusters of white flowers in May mature to vibrant, bright red berries in winter. Shrub, evergreen, 16 feet tall and spreading almost as wide. A California native. Water deeply every 2 to 3 weeks. Well-drained soil. Flowers attract bees and butterflies. Berries attract birds. USDA zones 7-10.

Magenta Magic yucca
Yucca aloifolia 'Magenta Magic'
Find on Bed C14: 2 gal. for $26.00
This is a fantastic choice for a dwarf yucca. With the onset of fall, the leaves are starting to show off their purples and will definitely be a showstopper in your yard. Magenta Magic only grows to about 3 feet wide and is a perfect cast-member for your climate-adapted yard.
Info from our plant gallery
Spiky upright lustrous mauve leaves make a dramatic garden statement! Reaching only 2-3’ tall and wide, this accidental sport of Yucca ‘Blue Boy’ is a natural dwarf variety with dark evergreen foliage that deepen to purplish mauve in cooler temperatures. 2-3’ tall spikes of white nodding flowers shoot above the foliage in late Winter on mature plants. Berries follow, much loved by birds, but ignored by deer. Tough and durable, it can take heat, dry conditions and a fair amount of neglect. Makes a dramatic statement when planted en masse and combines well with other dry garden denizens. An excellent container plant. Plant in well-drained soil. May attract hummingbirds.

Glencoe purple thornless raspberry
Rubus 'Glencoe'
Find on Bed A11: 1 gallon for $12.00
I am having fun using up old pots to stash berries around the yard. There’s some new thornless varieties and some classics. Give them all a try!
Also look for:
- Boysen thornless boysenberry
- Marionberry
- Chester thornless blackberry
- Triple Crown thornless blackberry
Info from our plant gallery
In summer, the purple raspberries of the Rubus 'Glencoe' mature from spring blooms. Fruit has a deep, intense raspberry flavor. A compact, completely thornless variety which is good for smaller spaces or even containers. Vining shrub, deciduous, up to 6 feet tall, and as wide. Water deeply, weekly. Fruits on second year canes; prune third-year canes to maximize fruit production. Self-pollinating. Fruits can be used for fresh eating, or jams, jellies and sauces. USDA zones 4-9.

Coulter's matilija poppy
Romneya couteri
Find on Bed C15: 1 gallon for $14.00
I can never grow tired of this one! Everybody loves this plant and calls it by its unofficial common name: "the fried egg plant!"
Info from our plant gallery
Big white flowers with crepe-paper-like petals, and golden yellow centers, bloom from late spring into summer. Perennial, evergreen, 5 feet tall and spreading from underground. Foliage and young branches are gray-green. Water deeply every 2 or 3 weeks. You may withhold summer water to help keep growth in check. Cut nearly to ground in late fall every year or so. USDA zones 6-10.
Shrubs for Dry Shade
One of my most frequently asked questions is, “what kind of shrubs do you have for dry shade?“ If you already have the regulars, consider the following four as well.

Mexican pitcher sage
Lepechinia hastata
Find on Bed C4: 1 gallon for $14.00
Info from our plant gallery
Billowy wands of magenta flowers rise above fragrant, silvery green foliage, late summer through fall. Spreads out like a groundcover. Sub-shrub, semi-evergreen, to 4 feet tall and as wide. Water deeply once every two weeks. Attracts hummingbirds. Deer resistant. Provide good drainage. Cut back in late winter to tidy. USDA zones 7-10.

Big Mama wax mallow
Malvaviscus 'Big Mama'
Find on Bed C5: 1 gallon for $11.00
Info from our plant gallery
Large clumps of velvety green leaves add freshness to the garden. Turban shaped, rich coral-red flowers bloom in abundance from late spring to frost, and attract hummingbirds. Perennial, evergreen in mild climates. Up to 6 feet tall and as wide. Water deeply once every 1-2 weeks, as needed. Fairly drought tolerant once established. Prune back dead stems in winter. In mild climates, hard prune late winter. Mulch to protect crown. Deer resistant. USDA zones 7-11.

Dusky Bells Australian fuchsia
Correa 'Dusky Bells'
Find on Bed C5: 1 gallon for $12.00
Also look for:
- Correa 'Gwen Elliot'
- Correa 'Sister Dawn'
Info from our plant gallery
Rosy pink tubular flowers with curling, ivory extremities bloom fall into spring, drooping amid dark green leaves. Shrub, evergreen, 30 inches tall and as wide. Water deeply every 2 weeks. Well-drained soil. Attracts hummingbirds and butterflies. USDA zones 9-11.
Image courtesy of Ellen Zagory.

Bluestone Mexican orange
Choisya arizonica 'Bluestone'
Find on Bed C4: 1 gallon for $10.00
Info from our plant gallery
White flowers bloom spring through summer and emit a lovely citrus fragrance. Fine-leaved foliage is blue green, and helps to add texture to the garden. Evergreen shrub to 4 feet tall, and as wide. Water deeply once every two weeks, or as needed. Needs good drainage. Deer resistant. USDA zones 7-9.