Rogelio Aguilar Lopez
Rogelio Aguilar Lopez
Major: Wildlife and Fish Conservation Biology
Arboretum Ambassador Apprentice, 2021-2023

Joining the Learning by Leading program as an Arboretum Ambassador has been the highlight of my academic career and has offered me many opportunities to grow as a leader and as a person, pushing me to step out of my comfort zone and meet new people. My co-workers have become some of my closest friends. Working with my mentor and boss, Melissa Hernandez, has been an amazing experience because she has believed in me since the first day I started, opening many doors for me in my academic career. Being able to continue the “Chair Share” project has been a really fun experience because it is fulfilling to see our community come together and take a seat in the Arboretum to relax from the stressors of academia and life in general. I think that the most satisfying feeling that I get from being an Ambassador is being able to help somebody, whether it be a visitor or a student, find their way through the garden collections or encourage them to participate in our outreach activities. By far, the most important leadership skill that my mentor has taught me is to be confident in myself when talking to the public or large crowds. There is always something new happening in the Arboretum and I was taught how to think quickly on my feet when events wouldn’t go as planned. These are some of leadership skills that I will carry with me even after graduation and into my professional career. The memories that I’ve made with my friends and mentors at the Arboretum and Public Garden will forever be close to my heart -- I am so thankful that I had the opportunity to meet such an amazing group of people.