Fragrant Ash | Fraxinus cuspidata

Scientific Name

Fraxinus cuspidata

Common Name

Fragrant Ash, Flowering Ash

Photo of Fraxinus cuspidata.
Tree Description

Fraxinus cuspidata, fragrant ash, is a small, multi-trunked deciduous tree with a rounded crown. Its has showy white, panicles of fragrant flowers that attract butterflies. It has low water needs, and is cold and heat tolerant.

Tree Size
Height at Maturity
Width at Maturity
Growth Rate
Foliage Type
Sun Exposure
Water Needs
Low Water
Potential Issues

May be susceptible to emerald ash borer, mistletoe.

Average performance rating from pre-trial survey of experts
Field Trial Monitoring Results

Good potential utility as an urban tree based on evaluation of 3 trees, healthy crown, 100% survival, very fast growth rate. No signs of pests or diseases found. Initial germination was low. Trees have a very upright growth habit. This species is potentially susceptible to the Emerald Ash Borer.

Propagation Results

We trialed sowing seeds in open flat in potting soil in hoop house exposed to cold temperatures as well as a 120 day cold stratification in moist peat in plastic bag in refrigerator. Both were started in January and had equally poor germination. Seedlings are moderately fast growing. Future trials would use fresher seed.