Interior Ponderosa Pine | Pinus ponderosa var. scopulorum

Scientific Name

Pinus ponderosa var. scopulorum

Common Name

Interior Ponderosa Pine

Photo of Pinus ponderosa var. scopulorum.
Tree Description

Pinus ponderosa var. scopulorum, interior ponderosa pine, is a large evergreen conifer that thrives in high elevations, full sun, and low water environments.

Tree Size
Height at Maturity
Width at Maturity
Growth Rate
12 inches/year
Foliage Type
Sun Exposure
Water Needs
Low Water
Potential Issues

Susceptible to Aphids, California Five Spined Engraver Beetle, IPS, Red Turpentine Beetle, Western Pine Beetle, Western Pine Shoot Borer and Beetle Borers, Pitch Canker, Red Ring Rot, Pitted Sap Rot, Armillaria, Mistletoe, Western Gall Rust, Mountain Pine Beetle and Black Stain. Allergy health hazard. Moderate root damage potential.

Average performance rating from pre-trial survey of experts
Propagation Results

No viable seed was found in cones collected.

Additional Images
Photo of Pinus ponderosa var. scopulorum.