Scientific Name
Senegalia wrightii (syn. Acacia wrightii)
Common Name
Wright Acacia, Wright Catclaw, Catclaw Acacia

Tree Description
Senegalia wrightii (syn. Acacia wrightii), Wright acacia, is a small semi-evergreen tree characterized by fragrant white flowers, fine pinnate foliage, prickles, and green legumes. It is mostly found in dry soils and thrives in full sun and low water environments. The tree is highly drought tolerant and multi-stemmed in form.
Tree Size
Height at Maturity
Width at Maturity
Growth Rate
12 inches/year
Foliage Type
Sun Exposure
Water Needs
Low Water
Potential Issues
Stems armed with hooked prickles, susceptible to invasive shot hole borer.
Field Trial Monitoring Results
Fair potential utility as an urban tree based on evaluation of 3 trees, healthy crown, 100% survival, fast growth rate. No signs of pests or diseases found. The hooked spines on this species have made it difficult to manage.
Propagation Results
We had decent germination with hot water scarification and sowing in a warm greenhouse in January. Seedlings show moderately-paced growth and multistemmed habit.
Additional Images

Illustration by Robert O'Brien courtesy of SelecTree