New paver path

Arboretum Waterway Construction Update 3.8.18

By Nina Suzuki, Waterway Steward

Our yellow brick road

The path on the south side of the waterway, which we sometimes refer to as the yellow brick road, is more than halfway complete. Soon the entire walk from the east end GATEway Garden to the beginning of the Redwood Grove will have a universally accessible path of smooth pavers. This path takes you along the waterway and goes under two bridges, at Old A Street and Old Davis Road. As you walk under each bridge you’ll notice safety improvements including a wider path, which also means more overhead clearance at Old A Street Bridge, railings between the path and the water, and more gradual approaches to avoid blind corners. This is the last big construction element of the project!

New paver path
Installation of the new paver path is in progress!

Rushes and sedges oh my!

The Learning by Leading Waterway Stewardship Interns have been busy planting rushes and sedges along the waterway. In the last few weeks, we’ve planted almost a thousand young plants on the banks. As they grow, their roots will spread and hold the soil in place, while their shoots will filter water and provide wildlife habitat.

Waterway Stewardship Interns
Waterway Stewardship Interns have planted nearly 1,000 rushes and sedges in the last few weeks.

Put ‘em up, put ‘em up!

The waterway can handle it. We had another good rain storm last week that brought more than 1.5 inches of rain. Take a look at the change in water elevation and flow during the peak of the storm. The water level in the Arboretum Waterway rises and then lowers again quickly, just as it should.

Before image
Arboretum Waterway weir before 1.5 inches of rain.
During image
Arboretum Waterway weir during the storm that brought 1.5 inches of rain.
After image
Arboretum Waterway weir just after the rain storm.

FOR MORE INFORMATION visit the Arboretum Waterway Maintenance and Enhancement Project page.

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