Fish out of water: student-created art enlivens Arboretum sidewalk
The Aggie Public Arts Committee, funded mostly by the Nelson Gallery and in part by ASUCD, commissioned a mural on the sidewalk near the Nelson Gallery, along Arboretum Drive. Conceptually, the mural is based on reimagined landscapes and wildlife, using 3-D illusions of space with an element of fantasy. Next time you are in the Arboretum, we hope you’ll stop by to see it, but don’t get too attached to this design; according to Crystal Han, committee chairwoman, new artistic elements will be added before the fall 2015 school year.
Thank you to the artists Crystal Han, Kari Kiyono, Suhaila Sikand, and Tiffany Liu for creating such a beautiful mural for us to enjoy.
The 2015 Aggie Public Art Committee members include Chairwoman Crystal Han, Vice chair Kaitlyn Griggs, and Members Kari Kiyono, Suhaila Sikand, and Tiffany Liu.