Guess the weight of the Arboretum and Public Garden staff?

Arboretum and Public Garden staff“Guess the weight” photos have become a tradition at the UC Davis Thank Goodness for Staff (TGFS) picnic each May.

This year the photo features quite a few UC Davis Arboretum and Public Garden staff in addition to our iconic Shovel Gateway Sculpture, part of the Arboretum GATEway Garden that links our campus to downtown Davis.

Thank you to our Staff Assembly and its chair Lina Layiktez for organizing this fun opportunity! UC Davis staff interested in “guessing the weight,” swing by the Guess the Weight booth at the TGFS picnic on May 7 and submit your best guess for the total weight of the 39 UC Davis staff featured in the picture and the 400+ used shovels collected to create the vine-inspired gateway.


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