UC Davis Arboretum rated 4.5 out of 5 stars on Yelp!
As of the date of this post (January 7, 2017), the UC Davis Arboretum has received 4.5 stars out of 5 from 114 Yelp! community members. We are incredibly humbled by the reviews which are all thoughtful and worthy of evaluation. As an organization we strive to make this a special place for our campus and regional communities.
Since our founding in 1936, the Arboretum has always been free and open to the public 24/7/365. With those hours, steady use and limited budget we truly appreciate our reviewers enthusiasm and support.
There’s a lot going on in and around the Arboretum and in our campus outdoor spaces and it’s nice to know that it is noticed. Not only is the UC Davis Arboretum a place of recreation and beauty, it is an outdoor museum featuring important campus scientific collections and sustainable demonstration gardens, in addition to functioning as a living laboratory for students and community members interested in helping our environment thrive.
If you are interested in reading our reviews on Yelp! or contributing your own, you can so by CLICKING HERE.
If you are interested in learning more about all things UC Davis Arboretum and Public Garden we encourage you to sign up for our e-newsletter and follow us on social media.