All Welcome on Wyatt Deck Campaign Thank You!
On behalf of the entire Arboretum and Public Garden team — and everyone who loves Wyatt Deck — we extend warm appreciation to community donors who supported our “All Welcome on Wyatt Deck” campaign!
We’re thrilled to report that over 270 contributors collectively provided over $100,000 to update the Wyatt Deck area as a vibrant, safe and accessible center for public, volunteer and student engagement. Whether you were a donor who helped kicked off our campaign during UC Davis Give Day, or made a gift to help us finish strong during Big Day of Giving or contributed at any time during our four-week campaign — THANK YOU!
We extend special gratitude to our lead challenge donor, the Unger-Yackzan Family, and the other six challenge donors who pledged early campaign gifts. Your generosity inspired others to join you in supporting the Wyatt Deck project.
Demolition of the old deck is already underway and construction of the new path and decks and improvements to the Wyatt Deck area will be continuing this year. We can’t wait to unveil the completed project in early 2022 and welcome our community back to Wyatt Deck.
Thank you again to everyone who is helping to rebuild Wyatt Deck for new generations of students and visitors and supporting the Arboretum and Public Garden’s mission to help people and environments thrive!
All Welcome on Wyatt Deck Donor List
Lead Challenge Donor
Unger-Yackzan Family
Additional Challenge Donors
Anonymous (1)
Eva Hess
Susan & Jeffery Hoffmann
Robert & Cathryn Kerr
John & Lynne Morgan
Marcia Kimes & Tracy Storer
- Anonymous (16)
- Erich Aigner
- Brenda Aldridge
- Jacqueline and James Ames
- Cindy Anders
- Michelle Antenesse
- Robin Bacci
- Jim & Jane Badger
- Daniel Barbato
- Cidney Barcellos
- Freeman & Carol Barsotti
- Wayne A. & Jacque Bartholomew
- Elmer Bartley
- Cynthia Bates
- Mary Bayless
- Laurel Alison Beckett
- Sylvia Bender
- Carol Benedetti
- Kristen & Alan Bennett
- Alison Berry
- James Blackmarr
- Michael & Ashlee Blaine
- Katie Blake
- Doris Blaker
- David Bodary
- Barbara Bower
- Nanci Bristowe
- Karen Broido
- Melissa Browne
- Kristin Burns
- Eric Burris
- Aaron Cahn
- Dawn Calciano
- Manuel & Debbie Carbahal
- Scott & Jenella Carroll-Loye
- Camille Chan
- Julie Cherrington
- Glenn Cole & Carol Souza Cole
- Jeanne Cooke
- Darleen Coppersmith
- Steven Coughran
- Candace Cross-Drew
- John and Lois Crowe
- Juliane Crowley
- Eleanor Curry
- Valerie Custodio
- Ann Trump Daniel
- Terry Davison
- Kevin DeBorde
- Ann Denvir
- Christy and Chris Dewees
- Sheryl Dodd-Hansen
- Michael Doughton
- Dorothy Downing
- Dana Drennan
- Delaine Eastin
- Maile Yawata & Gordon Edlin
- Rachel Ehlers
- Piya Eiamcharoen
- Tom & Joy Elson
- Weylin Eng
- Jaime Ordoñez & Carmia Feldman
- JoAnne Fillatti
- Joan Fischer
- Judy Fletcher
- Glen Fox
- Elaine Franco
- Tré Frane
- Rolf Frankenbach
- Rebecca Franti
- Lucas & Stacie Frerichs
- Judith Gamble
- Holly Garrett
- Jeffrey Meith & Yvonne Garrett
- Carolyn Geng
- Ingrid Gennity
- Vern Goehring
- Gail Goldsmith
- Janet Goldsmith
- Cliff & Carol Gravem
- Teri Greenfield
- Kathleen Socolofsky & Robert Gregoire
- Harfateh Grewal
- Ruth Gustafson
- Randi Hagerman
- David Haggerty
- Annette Halbach
- Mary Hammes
- Heidi Hansen
- Kathy Harper
- Don & Wendy Harper
- Connal Hart
- Juliet Hart
- Rachel Hartsough
- Eric & Katie Hetrick
- Bret Hewitt
- LuAnn Higgs
- Michael & Sally Hirst
- Jeff Holcomb
- Kathleen Holder
- Elizabeth Honeysett
- Ssu-Wei Hsu
- Tyson Hubbard
- Ann Ivancich Route
- Corrie Jacobs
- Andy Jones
- Russell & Joan de Ryk Jones
- Jennifer Jones
- Nancy Kahn
- Melissa Kelly
- Lauren Kidd
- Dr. Ben Yoo & Ms. Holly Kim
- Sherine & Steve Knapp
- John Koch
- Lacey Kovacic
- Richard & Julia Kulmann
- Leslie Kuss
- Bill & Laura Lacy
- Cathryn Lawrence
- Marshall Lee
- Janette & Richard Levenson
- Beth Levy
- Ernie & Mary Ann Lewis
- Huey Lin
- Garth & Angela Lindley
- Ashley Lockwood
- Jonathan Long
- Janet Lopez
- Diane Luke
- Jerry Lundblad
- Judy Mack
- Frances Maguire
- Karen Majewski
- Kyoko Malhado
- Mark K. Mancl
- Sarah Mangum
- Joncarlo & Jami Mark
- Richard & Anya McCann
- Janice Koch & Michael McCoy
- Terry McDowell
- Edward McGadney
- Vicki Smith & Steve McMahon
- Alison Meler
- Allison Melott
- Andrew Methven
- Pauline Metzgar
- Dawn Miller
- Darya Mishchuk
- Vicki Moering
- Susan Moore
- Ernie Moore
- Nancy Murr
- James & Catherine Murray
- Stephanie Myers
- Gail Nakamura
- Jeannette Newman-Velez
- Leslee Newton
- Kip Nicol
- Goran Muhlert & Ann Noble
- Eleanor Norris
- Kimberly O'Brien
- Barbara & Harry Ohlendorf
- Grady Hesters & Linda Olsen
- Kathy Olson
- Jane O'Meara
- Doug Krause & Martha Ozonoff
- Raj Patel
- JoAnn Pelz
- Laurie Penn
- Alan & Robin Phillips
- Lei Putney
- Lawrence & Linda Raber
- Patricia Ramos
- Celia Buckley & Marion Randall
- Lia Ray
- Fred & Martha Rehrman
- Nori Reinert
- Kevin Rice
- Dana Richards
- Lynn Rickman
- Lee Riggs
- Robyn & Bruce Rominger
- Grace & John Rosenquist
- jesikah maria ross
- Cathy Rowe
- Sara Russell
- Michele Santoro
- Jeffrey Parkin
- Bonnie Schmidt
- Robert & Jenifer Segar
- Gabriel Unda & Julia Serat
- Mark Shakhman
- Howard & Nancy Shapiro
- Walter Sherwood
- Amy & Eric Shuman
- Jacquelin Siegel
- Cate McGuire & Michael Smith
- Robert Snider
- Elise Spang
- Julie Spezia
- Lon Springer
- Tom & Meg Stallard
- Connie Steele
- Ann Steiner
- Kathleen Stock
- Christopher & Mary Stokes
- Terri Strack
- Maril Stratton
- Margaret Strode
- Pat & Eric Stromberg
- Allen Bohnert & Margo Surovik-Bohnert
- Sigrid Swinehart
- Kathryn Sylva
- Joyce Tamanaha-Ho
- Allan & Jean Telford
- Paul Terry
- Dana Topousis
- Nathan Trueblood
- Trena & Daniel Tuse
- Ken Naganuma & Suzanne Ullensvang
- Bill & Jeanette Vance
- Chris Craig-Veit & Lance Veit
- Edith and Geerat Vermeij
- Nancy Hiestand & Dean Vogel
- Theresa Voss
- Jacob Wade
- Lawrence Wang
- Kelli Ward
- Bruce Johnson & Christina Weber-Johnson
- Paul Weir
- James Wellington
- Lindsay Weston
- Cathy White
- Shannah & Carl Whithaus
- Phyllis Willard
- Valerie Williamson
- Kelly Wood
- Kerry Wright
- Salvador Barajas & Kayoko Yamamoto
- Ellen Yamshon
- Doris Yano
- Jeff Yee
- Kent Bradford & Barbara Zadra
- Meghan & Matthew Zavod
- David Zezulak
We strive to acknowledge your gifts accurately. Please notify us of any corrections.