A big thank you
THANK YOU to everyone who supported the UC Davis Arboretum and Public Garden during the Big Days of Giving on May 3 and 4. We are very grateful for the patience and perseverance of the many donors who took the time to give – despite the technical issues with the giving website – and we appreciate everyone who helped us spread the word with your conversations, emails, posts and tweets!
Thanks to your efforts we exceeded our $20,000 goal and raised over $23,000 during the Big Days of Giving. Those contributions, plus the $20,000 from our generous matching challenge donors, will provide a total of $43,000 to support the creation of a new Hummingbird Demonstration Garden in the UC Davis Arboretum.
It was heart-warming to see the outpouring of support for the 570+ non-profits participating in Big Day of Giving and to witness the generosity and resiliency of our region in the face of unexpected challenges. A big round of congratulations to all the non-profits involved, the many donors, and the Sacramento Region Community Foundation for their leadership through the Big Days of Giving.
There are a few glitches from the day that are still being sorted out. If you believe you made a contribution to the UC Davis Arboretum and Public Garden but did not receive an email receipt or were inadvertently charged twice via the Big Day of Giving website, please contact us during regular business hours at (530) 752-4880 or email Roxanne at rgloe@ucdavis.edu and we can help answer questions and resolve issues. If you missed out on giving during May 3-4 but would still like to contribute to the Hummingbird Demonstration Garden, our giving page is still open HERE.
We are pleased to recognize our Big Days of Giving donors.
First, a very special thanks to our challenge matching donors who made early commitments to inspire others (LEARN MORE):
- The Anderson Trueblood Family
- James and Jacqueline Ames
- Pam Marrone and Mick Rogers
Thank you to these donors who made gifts on May 3 and 4 during Big Days of Giving:
- Anonymous (10)
- Jacqueline & James Ames
- Cynthia Anders
- Julia AueMarco & Denise Babich
- Vanessa Baird
- Cidney Barcellos
- Sheila Beauchamp
- Ruth Beckon
- Sylvia Bender
- Carol Benedetti
- Betty & Richard Berteaux
- Doris Blaker
- Judith Blum
- Paul & Dianna Brink
- Karen Broido
- Rose Cabral
- Dawn Calciano
- Beth Camero
- Frank & Suzanne Chan
- Frederic Conte
- Phyllis Corcoran-Woods
- Ann & Fred Costello
- Christina Craig-Veit
- Don & Nancy Crosby
- Candace Cross-Drew
- Lois & John Crowe
- Ann Daniel
- AnnMaria De Grassi
- Debra Denton
- Christy & Chris Dewees
- Dana Drennan
- Cathy Dycaico
- Jane Elmore
- Thomas Farley
- Lisa Farquhar
- Carmia Feldman
- Sara Ferguson
- Kenneth Firestein
- Evan Fletcher
- Patti Fletcher
- Elaine Franco
- Lucas & Stacie Frerichs
- Andy Gagnon
- Dahlia Garas
- Kathleen Gill
- Larry Greene
- Patricia Greene
- Julie Gussman
- W. David Haggerty, Jr.
- Jameson Hall
- Lesley Hamamoto
- David Hance
- Christine Hance
- Nicole Hart
- Joanne Hatchett
- Judy Hecomovich
- Katherine Hellesen
- Carol Hemingway
- Katie & Eric Hetrick
- LuAnn Higgs
- Joyce Hirano
- Michael Hirst
- Susan Hodell
- Timothy D. Inouye
- Denise Jones
- Jennifer Jones
- Ken & Nancy Kahn
- Cathryn & Robert Kerr
- Marilyn Kinsey
- Carol Knight
- Barbara Kroesch
- Richard & Julia Kulmann
- Bill & Laura Lacy
- Frank Laurich
- Cathy Leach
- Marshall Lee
- John & Trina Lee
- Ernie & Mary Ann Lewis
- Mark & Lorene Liebert
- Huey LinGarth Lindley
- Melanie Loo
- Michael Lopez
- Kerry Loux
- Mark K. Mancl
- Tece Markel
- Rich Marovich
- Kate Mawdsley
- Phyllis & Alex McCalla
- Terry McDowell
- Kathy McIntosh-Smith
- Karen McNally
- John McWilliams
- Vicki & Paul Moering
- Gerald Mohlenbrok
- Marjorie Muck
- Susan Nishio
- Harvey Yan & Tanya Noda Yan
- Barbara Ohlendorf
- Donnette Orsi
- Lori Ann Pardau
- Jeanette Pleasure
- Beth Pollard
- Leialoha Putney
- Carolyn Rannefeld
- Lia Ray
- Martha & Fred Rehrman
- Keith Rhode
- Kevin Rice
- Dana Richards
- Warren Roberts
- Jeannette Robertson
- Nancy & Bill Roe
- Mary & Ron Rogers
- Laurie & Bob Rollins
- Grace & John Rosenquist
- Paula Rouse
- Therese Ruth
- Sherri Sandberg
- Michele Santoro
- Linda Schaale
- Patricia Schink
- Wendy Huber & Francis Sheehan
- Jacquelin Siegel
- Cynthia Silvia
- Stephen Bick & Jill Slater
- Robert Snider
- Kathleen Socolofsky & Robert Gregoire
- Calista Sordelet
- Tom & Meg Stallard
- Linda Sternberg
- Christopher & Mary Stokes
- Steve Stombler
- Audrey Stoye
- Lucy & John Strandberg
- Maril Stratton
- Margo Surovikbohnert
- Joan Swanson
- Bette & Howard Swarts
- Charles Turner
- Ken Naganuma & Suzanne Ullensvang
- Edith Vermeij
- Bruce Watros
- Georgie Waugh
- Eric Webb
- Joellen Welsch
- Martha West
- Douglas West
- Judith Wydick
- Zarah Wyly
- Charlotte Xanders
- Julie Young