Floating Nets Support Turtle Conservation Research
Have you seen a floating net on the Arboretum Waterway or in Putah Creek?
Here's what is happening...
Hoop net traps are being placed on an intermittent basis to harmlessly sample turtles throughout the Arboretum Waterway and Putah Creek over the next few months. It's all part of an active turtle research study to help scientists with UC Davis Wildlife, Fish and Conservation Biology understand how our native turtle populations are affected by non-native turtle species. In addition, scientists hope to learn how to best support native species recovery and conservation.
According to the Todd Lab's Herpetology and Wildlife Conservation website:
The Western pond turtle (Actinemys marmorata) — California’s only native freshwater turtle — is a species of conservation concern that is seeing notable declines across its range along the Pacific Coast of the United States. The introduction of non-native turtles popular in the pet and food trade, like red-eared sliders (Trachemys scripta elegans), contribute to these declines and disrupt native ecosystems.
The research will help determine the abundance and demography of turtles in these areas, how non-native turtles impact native turtles and more.
Learn more about this research study, its objectives and methods.
Please do not disturb any nets, signs or nearby equipment.

Download the turtle study flyer
Arboretum and Putah Creek Riparian Reserve visitors may see these signs near locations where the floating nets are intermittently located.